Feeling Your Best with Natural Medicine

Herbal Formats


A herbal prescription can be taken in a tea form. Herbal tea is a combination of herbs that match your specific presentation. These herbs are then cooked in water to be consumed. This is done by cooking the raw herbs at home, or by mixing tea packs into water for a more convenient way of consumption.


The most convenient way of integrating herbal therapy in a busy schedule is by using herbal capsules. Herbal capsules are ground up herbs that are encapsulated by a vegan shell, gelatin, or formed into a small pill with no capsule at all.


Clean linens or washcloths are soaked into an herbal combination and placed on problem areas on the body. This is a topical form of herbal medicine in which the herbs are absorbed through the skin for a therapeutic effect. The compress itself can either be warm or cool which can feel very soothing during use.


Herbal formulas can also be formulated into a spray form. They are full of powerful Chinese herbs that decrease inflammation and soothe you the moment they are sprayed. They are used for a wide variety of complaints such as: incest bites, tendonitis, muscle cramps, sports and accidental injuries, bruises, contact dermatitis, all types of pain, and much more!


Highly concentrated plant extracts that are swallowed or absorbed under the tongue. Tinctures contain specific ratios of water, alcohol and dissolved plant material. Because tinctures contain concentrated plant extracts, they are used as convenient vehicles for getting the right nutrients to where they are needed in the body.


A combination of multiple or single herbs thats ground up into a fine powder then mixed with a type of medium like aloe vera or water. The combination makes up a semi liquid paste that can be easily applied to the skin. This form is often used for skin conditions, but can also be used as a topical pain reliever.

Your Body's Formula

Herbal medicine is a drug free approach for the prevention and management of acute and chronic diseases. Often, the body starts to show signs and symptoms of pathology before the disease starts. Common signs and symptoms include: low energy, tiredness, digestive issues, headaches, coughs, aches, pains, and any other reason that someone may not feel their best. Luckily, Chinese medicine Doctors are trained both at recognizing these early signs and also treating them. These treatments include the use of plants, vitamins, minerals, and other natural sources to improve the body’s function.

Conditions We Treat

Common sources of headaches include neck pain, hormone irregularities, dehydration, and stress.

Having a full night’s rest is key to maintaining a healthy body and mind. When a person becomes chronically tired they are more susceptible to a wide range of health related issues. Unfortunately, many approaches to treating insomnia include drugs that cause drowsiness throughout the day and also lead to becoming dependent on the drug. Herbal medicine will improve your sleep without the negative side effects of medications.

Anxiety has always existed in humans, its purpose is to protect and promote survival by stimulating physiological effects to steer clear of potential threats. The symptoms of anxiety include and not limited to: palpitations, shortness of breath, inability to breathe properly, increased heart rate, perspiration, insomnia, fidgeting, out of character behavior, and freezing. Anxiety becomes pathological when the body and mind stay in this heightened state. Worrying takes time and energy which can cause secondary problems such as inability to concentrate and insomnia. Herbal medicine functions to calm the mind and soothe the symptoms of anxiety without the hindrance of negative side effects.

Everyday situations such as school, work, family, driving, and other daily activities are common sources of stress. Long standing stress depletes the body and can lead to premature aging. Herbal medicine is designed to prevent and reduce stress while you are on the go throughout your daily activities.

There are many causes of dizziness such as inner ear disturbances, nerve problems, anxiety, infection, reduced blood flow, side effects from medications, and among others. With this number of possibilities, it isn’t all that surprising that a cause is not always found. Or when the cause is found, and treated by pharmacotherapy, there is little to no relief. Having long standing dizziness can be frustrating and debilitating. This is where herbal medicine can come in to provide a new way to address the body that western medicine falls short.

Other Conditions:

  • Acute pain
  • Adhesive capsulitis
  • Arthritis
  • Ankle pain
  • Back pain
  • Bursitis
  • Chronic pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Radiculopathy
  • Shooting arm pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Disc injuries
  • Elbow pain
  • Head aches
  • Neck pain
  • Low back pain
  • Mid back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Pinched nerve
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Wrist pain